Zola Simone on Chappell Roan, Boston Summers and Being Yourself

Zola Simone

Zola Simone photographed by Yazi Ferrufino

The 13th edition of Boston Calling is this weekend and Allston Pudding will have all the artist interviews, pics, live coverage and behind-the-scenes scoops that you need whether you’re dancing alongside us or enjoying from home. We’re continuing our preview coverage for the weekend with Cambridge’s own Zola Simone. Ahead of their set this Sunday, we got to chat with the Gen-Z hitmaker about their recent single “Boston”, obsessing over Chappell Roan and being your most authentic self.

Allston Pudding: How did Boston Calling come about for you? What was the booking process like?

Zola Simone: I messaged the booker around November of last year, “hey, I would love to play Boston Calling, I don’t know how I could make that happen.” I don’t have a booking agent right now but they were like, “Oh, we’ve already had our eye on you, so we’ll just get a contract sent over.” and that was kind of it. A lot of the biggest things that have happened to me are because I asked. A lot of people are afraid to ask but my advice, that no one asked for, is just to be your own biggest advocate and put yourself out there. The worst thing people can say is “no.”

AP: How are you feeling ahead of the show?

ZS: I’m so excited, but I’m also really sad. I’m already sad that it’s gonna be over. It’s something that I’ve been looking forward to for years as a festival goer. It’s a full circle moment. I’m ecstatic. I’m playing my favorite day of the weekend, in terms of the lineup. I get to play with people that I really look up to, a bunch of amazing local artists and I’m thrilled to meet new bands that I haven’t heard of before.

AP: Being from Boston and having recently dropped your single named “Boston”, what does it mean to you to perform at Boston Calling?

ZS: It means everything. I was just driving last night and thinking about growing up here in the summer. I was driving right by the Fresh Pond Mall, where a Blockbuster used to be, and I felt a little old. Everyone has such a unique experience with their hometown, and I would’ve been a completely different person and had a completely different relationship to music if I didn’t grow up here. Boston is such a huge part of who I am, especially the music scene and it’s such a privilege to be a part of it. Being 13 in Dorchester, experiencing hip-hop for the first time and now working with a hip-hop producer. I’ve even managed to convert him to be a little bit of a pop guy, so it’s really amazing. This is my home so this show is kind of like my homecoming.

AP: Which other artists are you excited to see this weekend?

ZS: Chappell Roan. I love her. I feel like every interview I’ve had recently I talk about her. For my final in my music history class we had to write an album review and give some cultural context, so I wrote an in-depth review of The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess. I’ve loved her since I discovered her music in 2021 with “Pink Pony Club”. I was floored by that song.

AP: It does have an instant classic quality to it.

ZS: Absolutely. She is a star in every sense of the word and I’m so happy she’s getting her flowers. I resonate a lot with her and I would love to have an opportunity to talk to her. I love that her team is made up of her friends. *sighs* I just think she’s just doing it the right way.

AP: For those unfamiliar with your sound, what should they expect from a Zola Simone show? 

ZS: I’m gonna play a wide range of everything. There is a song of mine for every person, no matter the demographic or the identity. If you don’t like all of my music, that’s OK, but I feel like people will at least fuck with one of my songs. I feel like a big part of my artistry is versatility and having a diverse sound. I actually coined the term “androgynous pop” because my stuff is a little nonconforming, a little like me.

AP: We love a vers, androgynous, queen-diva in this house.

ZS: You said it, not me! I need to put that on my website. [laughs]

AP: You’re someone who wears your identity proudly, and as a member of a younger generation, do you have any advice for other “Gen-Z”ers trying to be creative while remaining true to themselves?

ZS: Be yourself, everybody else is taken. It’s so cliche, but it’s so true! Why would you live your life being someone else? No one else is going to do you better than you can! Authentically is the best way to live and in this world, that’s a privilege and it shouldn’t be. But, if you are able to, living authentically is the only way to live. You can’t control how others perceive you, but you can control how you perceive yourself.

AP: What would you say is your favorite part of being a musician? Writing, recording, touring, meeting other creatives or something else?

ZS: It’s tied between performing and writing for me. There’s no better feeling than writing, it’s like scratching an itch; like putting together a puzzle. It’s so satisfying, especially when writing about something negative. It’s about having that control and power over something by taking something negative and turning it into a thing that brings you joy and that you’re proud of.

AP: Who is your dream collaboration?

ZS: Probably Chappell Roan, or Remi Wolf. I just wrote a song last night inspired by Remi’s most recent singles. We would make a banger together. She’s so unique, nobody else has that sense of creativity.

Zola Simone x BC

Courtesy of Zola Zimone’s IG

AP: Having just released a new single, and with Boston Calling coming this weekend: what’s next for Zola Simone?

ZS: I’m playing another festival that I can’t talk about just yet. I’m also playing a pride show in New York & a pride event in New Jersey at my aunt’s LGBTQ center. Plus, I have a lot of new music coming out, so expect consistent releases from me for a few months. I have a master plan and it will soon be revealed.

AP: What’s your go-to festival fuel? Sparkling water & Tasty Burger? Gold Bond or Gas-X?

ZS: Roxy’s Grilled Cheese and a yellow Red Bull. Caffeine makes me crazy but it’s needed for Friday and Saturday, for sure. But for show day on Sunday, I need to be on my game with throat-coat tea and Vitamin Water.

You can catch Zola Simone at Boston Calling this Sunday, May 26th at 5:10pm on the Orange Stage. For more info on Zola, check out their website here! For more info on Boston Calling, click here!