Bob Records is a record label based out of Allston, Massachusetts. Articles from Bob Records are part of our Community Partner initiative (more info at the bottom of this post) and are written by Bob Records.
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Bob Records sat down with gritty Allston duo Rye Pines before their cassette release show this Monday, October 6. Bob chatted with Rye Pines about their tour van staples, favorite locals, and what’s been buzzing through their headphones lately. Read below: more details about the release show (hosted by Eye Design) included at the bottom.
Bob Records: How did Rye Pines become what we know today: Ted singing and playing the guitar with Alex on the drums.
BR: If you were to envision the ideal 4-way split album between you and three other bands, who would those other three be?
RP: Night Rally (rip), Nassy (rip) and Rusty (rip), it’d be us with the bands of Boston past.
BR: Band you’d most like to open for and then party away into the night with following the show? And for what reason? Paint us a small picture, if you will…
RP: FIDLAR because if they really do live up to their lyrics then it would be one hell of a party (see lyrics to their song ‘cheap beer’)
BR: Is there a ritual that you practice when it comes time to lay your songs to tape? What sort of mentality do you have while you’re recording? What helps make it the best process possible?
BR: Click tracks. Thoughts?
RP: Click tracks are to natural rhythmic energy as huffing duster is to a good idea
BR: Current favorite local band/album you think all of Boston should be privy to?
RP: The king of questions…
BR: Comment on the current state of local music in Boston right now. How does it compare to what you’ve seen since becoming directly involved? Have you noticed drastic changes?
RP: Look, everybody and their brother is in a band these days but like anything if you sift through the mediocrity you can always find gems and If you do what you love for the sake of enjoying it you’ll find yourself among like minded people. There’s always something cool going on around town.
BR: What are your top 3 records? Right, the whole “if you were stranded on an island and that island had the ability to produce the sounds of your three favorite records, which would those be that you’d choose to have with you” question.
RP: Alex and I most likely have differing opinions on this one but three records that have made a huge impression on me growing up and on my song writing are
BR: Most important aspect, in your opinion, of writing a song?
RP: Spontaneity.
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