Gravel is Heading Out on Tour!


You probably recognize the name Gravel from either our most recent mixtape to seeing their name on some stacked shows recently with the likes of Worriers, Potty Mouth, Ursula and Hellrazor. They’re leaving the safety of Salem and its sayonces for a short tour kicking it off in Cambridge at Zuzu on Monday 12/14 and continuing through the North East-ish. Listen to their straight up siqqq rock n’ roll tunes and check out the details of their dates below.

12/14: with Adam PC, The Nude Party, and Johnnie and the Foodmasters at Zuzu in Cambridge, 21+, FREE (fb event)
12/15: All the Star Wars movies are screening, and then Gravel will play after at Barrelman in Marblehead, MA. Sounds like a DREAM
12/16: with Charles, Bunny Boy, and Heavy Pockets at STUDiO Collaborative ArtSpace in Dover, NH, $5-10 (fb event)
12/17: with The Skaggs, Addie Pray, and So Totally at Pharmacy in Philly, $5 (fb event)
12/19: Santamania 2015 Night Two with Pretty Pretty, Vacation, and many more at Legends Bar and Grill in Latonia, KY (fb event)