Zodiac Trax: March Forecasts 2016



Capricorn (Ruling Planet: Saturn; Element: Earth) Another practical Earth sign, Capricorns are more calculated than most. You are also a natural goal-setter, and tend to get what you want by being sensible, patient, cautious and disciplined. The Seagoat is not a rule-breaker. And, sometimes, all this hard work can make you pessimistic, stubborn, and shy.

With both a solar eclipse and Mercury in Pisces at the beginning of the month, your mental energy will be in full swing. Your capacity for ideas for new plans, projects, and how to share them can grow exponentially starting on the 5th as the planet of communication shifts gears. The eclipse on the 8th will make this energy surge. It might be a good idea to keep tabs on a particularly good idea, and run with it. Using all of this energy could get exhausting, especially with Mars’ position in Sagittarius at this time. Try planning instead of taking action, working on your own for now, and tending to your internal needs first. The planet of love, Venus, also enters Pisces on the 12th, and communication will be most important to you right now, in the ways of romance. Conversation is key. Later, on the 19th, the Sun enters Aries and you, too, will enter a very nurturing time. You can feel supported and supportive. When Mercury joins the Sun in Pisces on the 21st, you’ll be better about remembering how you felt in certain situations, and communicating what you feel. The last lunar eclipse in Libra (for a while, anyway) will occur on the 23rd, and if you’ve been dealing with either failure or success, setbacks or breakthroughs, all that will come to a close in the next 6 months. Saturn retrograde in Sagittarius starts March 25th, and you might have trouble dealing with issues from your past. You can’t ignore them this time. Deal with your baggage, and start a new cycle.

Your March Trax:

Run with the amount of mental energy you’re receiving this month, and match it with some music that’s equally energetic. An old classic, fast-paced album: A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out. Equally old, but a little more indie and quick-witted: Dog Problems by The Format. If both of those albums bum you out, a good medium could be found in Gerard Way’s 2014 solo album Hesitant Alien. And for something entirely different, and infinitely more local, try Fucko’s Dealing with the Weird.

Dates to watch: 12th, 13th
Your events: Farseek (OH), Dead Letter, The Hatchbacks, Eli, Banana @ Hostelling International Boston, March 12th
Burglary Years, Bedroom Eyes, The RiceCrackers, DUMP HIM, Gay Sin @ Somewhere in Allston, March 12th
Winterpills (album release), Arc Iris @ Great Scott, March 13th