Zodiac Trax: March Forecasts 2016



Gemini (Ruling Planet: Mercury; Element: Air) Out of all the signs, you, Gemini, are the most communicative, on top of being the most clever. The Twins are flexible; you can adjust to any situation. Your enthusiasm for a variety of subjects makes you versatile and charming, but it’s hard for you to stay dedicated to one thing for a long time, and you tend to bite off more than you can chew. You suffer from constant FOMO, and you can’t make a decision to save your life.

In the beginning of March, with Mercury entering Pisces on March 5th, you should just focus on staying focused. Gather advice and set your long-term goals while the planet of communication is in this position. Mars will be in Sagittarius (the sign opposite yours) on the same day, and you’ll feel your best when there’s someone by your side during this time. March 8th will see a solar eclipse in Pisces. Solar eclipses generally impact the 6 months before and after the event, so you’re smack dab in the middle of this good energy. This moment is the opportune time to take things to the next level, professionally, and if you make responsible choices, you may see a long-awaited victory. Luckily for you, Venus joins Mercury in Pisces on the 12th, and this can only fuel your drive to achieve this victory. The planet of love in this position may draw you to an older, mature someone. Don’t be afraid to get advice from anyone you might find inspirational at this moment. March 19th thru the 21st we’ll see the Sun and Mercury entering Aries, giving you the fiery, inventive energy that you should use to think about your future, collaborate with friends, and step outside your comfort zone. The lunar eclipse only a few days later on the 23rd occurs in another air sign, Libra. This energy, for you, surrounds your love life in particular. You’ve probably been trying to change big aspects of your romantic relationships, involving letting people go and working to let more love into your life. If so, you’re on the right track. If not, use this lunar energy to make love a positive experience in every aspect of your life, especially as Saturn turns retrograde for the next 5 months, and tries to create issues in dealing with your relationships, personal and professional.

Your March Trax:

Perhaps to inspire seeking guidance from your elders, or at least someone more on the mature side, I’m gonna recommend some relevant rock. There’s a Toronto band called Greys, who make some sick, grungy, math rock. Clair Morgan are more indie; Bat House, from Boston, are more psychedelic– both good music to hear while setting goals this month.

Dates to watch: 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th:
Your events: Girls Rock Campaign Bands: Ursula, Gravel, Gay Sin @ Middle East Up, March 23rd
Hunter Valentine “So Long For Now” Tour, Unstraight, Viva Gina, Carissa Johnson, Flight of Fire @ Middle East Down, March 24th
Ancient Filth, Piss Dogs, Heartbreaker @ The Democracy Center, March 25th