Zodiac Trax: September Forecasts 2016



Libra (Ruling Planet: Venus; Element: Air) You, Libra, are the charming, tactful one. You have a magnetism about you. Socially, you are gifted. You can talk your way out of anything, and justice is a valued virtue to The Scales. But like most air signs, you can become detached and unreliable. You’re so indecisive sometimes that, more often than not, you bail completely, and you don’t do well with confrontation.

It’s all you, baby!!! Don’t limit yourself this month, ‘cause the Sun, Jupiter, and a new moon will all converge with your sign, providing you with some truly optimistic energy. Be a little selfish for once and make your wants and needs a priority, especially if you’ve been waiting for the “right time” to start something. Other than that, the planet of love will encourage you to indulge in your senses when it tours sensitive Scorpio on the 23rd. Later, energetic Mars appears in Capricorn and will put a focus on managing your feelings and improving your surroundings. Any project you start now should successfully culminate in about a year, if you stick with it. Just be wary of the influence Mercury in retrograde throughout most of the month, and don’t be surprised if old issues resurface. The solar eclipse in Virgo should help with letting go of old baggage, though, and the energy of the mid-month lunar eclipse will help you eliminate any other bad habits.

Your September Trax: For a month with so much good energy, you deserve music that gives off the same. For your energizing needs, Boston gives you dream pop darlings, Mini Dresses. Similar, but surfy, a Seattle trio called Tangerine might give you the same light-hearted, yet motivating effect. Music by Lucius is a little poppier yet a little weirder, and could definitely help kick-start an innovative undertaking.

Dates to watch: 13th, 14th
Your events: Jenny Lewis, The Watson Twins @ Citi Performing Arts Center, Sept. 13th
Sleigh Bells, Miya Folick @ Sinclair, Sept. 13th
Skinny Bones, Yohuna, St. Nothing, Judy Chong @ Mid East Up, Sept. 14th

Overkill River, Landlady @ The Sinclair, Sept. 14th
Bruce Springsteen @ Gillette Stadium, Sept. 14th