Zodiac Trax: September Forecasts 2016



Scorpio (Ruling Planet: Pluto; Element: Water) Scorpios are truly a mixed bag. You can be passionate, but resentful. You can be ambitious and determined, but manipulative in the process. And although the Scorpion is one the most faithful of the signs, you struggle with trust and possessiveness, with forgiving and forgetting. However, Scorpio, you are still indeed a true water sign— sensitive and intuitive. And your emotional strength is what sets you apart from every other sign.

While friends, activism, and individuality might’ve been your focus over the past year, Jupiter’s leaving Virgo and entering Libra, closing that chapter and helping you clear out clutter — literally and figuratively. Especially while the Sun also transits Libra on the 22nd and the new moon occurs in the air sign on the 30th, you can benefit from working behind the scenes, on using your intuitions, and on being more compassionate. Mercury ends its retrograde on the 22nd, opening up more avenues for clear communication and ideas. Capricorn-y vibes can only fuel your drive to complete small projects, especially those related to community, a sibling, or neighbor, when Mars transits the earth sign. Venus in your sign will have you feeling more attractive and romantic than usual, and you might want to take this opportunity to indulge in all the attention you’ll get around the 23rd. Lastly, September seems to be eclipse city, and the solar eclipse in Virgo on the 1st will be the perfect time for second chances on old dreams. The lunar eclipse on the 16th (in fellow water sign, Pisces) could make you more emotional, but some intense creative vibes come with that, so… Worth it.

Your September Trax: Emotional and intense moments await you! Why not have a soundtrack that suits them? Psychopomp by Philly’s Japanese Breakfast is indie rock that swells and builds in sound and emotion. Similarly, L.A. artist Miya Folick has music that starts slow, and ends up swallowing the room.

Dates to watch: 15th, 16th
Your events: Overkill River, Landlady @ The Sinclair, Sept. 15th
Blind Pilot, River Whyless @ Royale, Sept. 16th