The Future Teens Make it Feel Good to Feel Bad

future teens wendy schiller

What could be more quintessentially Boston than a sold out elder emo gig on a Friday night! Great Big Pile of Leaves swayed through the entirety of “Have you seen my prefrontal cortex?” supported by hometown heroes Dutch Tulips and Future Teens. The Teens debuted new, vulnerable music to a crowd endlessly hungry for their honest, earnest jams. They cracked jokes and played old favorites spanning their catalog, including “Frequent Crier” and “Guest Room”. We would be remiss not to mention frontman Daniel Radin’s shoutout of Editor-In-Chief Christine Varriale ahead of playing “What’s my Sign Again?”.

Check out all of Wendy’s photos from the show below. 

Future Teens, Dutch Tulips, and A Great Big Pile of Leaves at the Sinclair 04/19/24