Tag Archives: New Album
Perennial Detail New Album Ahead of Gig at Democracy Center
INTERVIEW: In Vinyl and Vibration Anna B Savage Releases Single off Common Turn
Low Cut Connie’s “Tough Cookies” Reveals Private Lives
INTERVIEW: The Nude Party’s “Shine Your Light” Video Guides Us Through Darkness
TRACK PREMIERE: “Variations on an Aria”- People Like You
Skinny Bones Spooks With “Stupid Slow” Single
Twin Peaks//Artist Profile

By Ethan Hoffman-Sadka We sat down with Jack Dolan and Clay Frankel of Twin Peaks to ask a few questions following their latest produced-in-Mass. album, sales “Down in Heaven”. A lot of times shoots don’t go exactly as planned and filming with these guys was no exception. With 5 members in the band there are […]