Zodiac Trax: March Forecasts 2016

Navigating the stars is hard. A couple weird astrology enthusiasts at Allston Pudding are here to help. Let us provide you with monthly synchronous soundtracks, and some planetary advice along the way.

zoadic trax march

March Planetary Overview

March 5th 5:23 AM Mercury enters Pisces
March 5th 9:29 PM Mars enters Sagittarius
March 8th 8:54 PM New Moon, Total Solar Eclipse in Pisces
March 12th 5:24 AM Venus enters Pisces
March 20th 12:30 AM Sun enters Aries
March 21st 8:19 PM Mercury enters Aries
March 23rd 8:01 AM Full Moon, Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Libra 1
March 25th 6:01 AM Saturn Retrograde Sagittarius (until August 13th)

Wtf it means:

Intuitive Pisces ultra present this March, as the Sun, Mercury, Venus and a solar moon occur in the sign. Mercury rules communication, and this planet in Pisces means an interest in the perspective of others, new information, and making plans for your future. Venus under the Piscean influence will, yes, up the romance factor; but it will also magnify our general love for beauty, art, creativity, and compassion. The solar eclipse in Pisces on March 8th will be more impactful than a new moon might, but they have similar effects, both working in an ~energetic portal~ kind of way. We’ll all have to get used to doing things the Piscean way— trusting your intuition, as far as balancing your duties and independence goes. This eclipse will also have us embracing our sense of empathy, opting for a more gentle, helpful approach when working with others. Meanwhile, Mars is really at home in Sagittarius, and we could harness the fearless energy of the planet of action in this position. The Sun enters Aries, the first sign on the zodiac, and marks the Spring Equinox, a new astrological year, and a time for new journeys. When Mercury transitions from poetic Pisces to assertive Aries, we’ll find ourselves expressing our thoughts more impulsively and innovatively. The second eclipse of the month is lunar, and a little more passive. Over the past three years, all of us have been in major flux concerning our ways of thinking about commitment and fairness. This struggle will come to a close at the end of the month.Saturn turning retrograde in airy Libra will slow everyone down, this month. This planet rules boundaries and structure, and when in retrograde, it can can make us feel more insecure about what’s expected of us. You may find yourself saying “Yes” when you should say “No.” Watch out for that through August.

“Total Eclipse of the Heart” by Bonnie Tyler